Heal + Transform Yourself


Hi, I’m Zoey

My purpose is to offer you a variety of unique and powerful places for you to say yes to your whole self, and experience the everlasting gifts of braving the deeper psyche, soul and somatic work.

The deeper work that sustains the integral healing, and innately strengthens your relationships, cultivates greater resilience, harnesses your primal power, restores your body, and allows for your souls authentic expression.

My goal for you always, is to feel genuinely empowered, resourced, and inspired by the way you show up for life.

I’ve spent the last 16 years midwifing devoted students of life, mothers, and leaders of all forms, on how to restore resonance, dynamic power and aligned integration in their bodies, minds, and souls.

Here are a few options to help you get started:

  • NEW BEGINNINGS : 1:1 Transformational Mentorship

    This mentorship is a potent immersion for you to say yes to yourself on a soul level and to restore sovereignty and vitality.

    It’s an opportunity for you to make space for your deeper prayers.

    If you’re feeling burnt out, lost, trapped, ungrounded, or on the emergence of change, and you’re ready to stop repeating old patterns, then this is a potent, self-loving, transformational place to gift yourself.

  • LIBERATION SESSIONS : 1:1 Somatic Healing + Coaching

    A safe, intimate and transformative container for you to identify your survival patterns, heal your trauma, harness your wholeness, and renegotiate all that feels tight, wrong and old, so that you can more freely shape a life (and world) you want to belong to.

  • RE-WILDING : Real-World Nervous System Insight + Healing

    This is a five week community-soaked virtual immersion that will teach you how to harness your primal power through the language of your nervous system, so that you can grow your capacity to trust yourself, and establish a sense of safety, so that you can more freely express all of who you are * This is the foundational immersion to carry on with alumni nervous system educational experiences and integrations.

Beyond our chronic stress, collective trauma, maladaptive survival patterns, relational wounds, colonial-conditioned minds, and environmental toxins — there’s a field of deeper connection, vitality, union & possibility…

  I’ll walk with you there


I’m on a mission to shift the way we experience ourselves and the world — especially during the more profound initiations, so that the tougher aspects of life become transformational instead of detrimental.  

I want every one of us to feel like our whole selves - rather than a mere shade of it. 

I want us to reclaim a relationship to our primal bodies, so that we can lean on its gifts, and more readily give ourselves permission, to express our natural and essential human range.

I want us all to experience safety, and regulation in our nervous systems, so that we can more deeply connect to ourselves, our needs, and one another.

I want everyone to know that nothing is a life sentence, and that your body is designed to heal

I want every beating heart to swell with the experience of self love, so that our communities stories are built on self compassion.

I want our spiritual hunger to be satiated by the way that we show up for each other and our daily lives.

I want us all to know pleasure, and the sacred medicine of non-sense and play.

I want every one of us to feel our belonging in our bones, and know through sensing, that we’re far from alone.

client love

Sign up here to stay connected to your unfolding + all the ways that I can support you.

{And please note that I am not consistently active on social media platforms, so my newsletter is my main point of connection]