A Timely Letter to the Truth Seekers + Peace Keepers


Hello Dear Ones, 

I’m aware that a letter like this has the potential for entrepreneurial suicide, but I can’t hold the stirrings of my bones in any longer. At the root of why I do what I do, it’s to shape a world I more fully want to belong to — so here I go.

My friends, I believe now is the time we NEED to dig into the truth of what’s unfolding beyond what’s curated in front of us. 

It’s time to gather forces, take a stand, vote, raise our vibration, pray, speak and discern wisely time and time again.

At worst, all of what is happening is unstoppable, and you see my intention with this message clearly down the line. 

At best, this is an ongoing political (and psychological) war that lives in the undercurrent of our lives, that won’t show its face in our children’s future. A future where their rights and freedoms are upheld on the foundation of a true democracy (and  then you just laugh at me down the line, or think I’m bat-shit crazy). 

Either way, what we do now, in this transitional phase matters.

In the spiritual community we’ve been talking about how this is a time of ascension...yet many people are forgetting that ascension often starts at rock bottom — where we wake the fack up. 

So if we don’t want to touch the collective bottom - we’d better wake up to what is beyond our hopes, dreams, current household feels and internal climate (even though waking up can be exhausting and egoic tyranny sometimes!).

Beyond, the distracting and ineffective energy focused on pro, or anti vaccinations etc, it’s time to look at the compounding impacts of what’s at stake (knowing that this compounding impact has been active for a long time now). 

A long time ago, a mentor of mine informed me of all this, but I wasn’t ready to listen...

In short, a political agenda has been brewing for a long time. Since becoming aware of it, I have seen it expressed clear as day from many of the great minds that many of us revere - but they too know it’s impressional suicide, so like many they’ve chosen to leave bread crumbs in hopes that people will follow truth rather, than the path to assumed happiness. 

For the sake of leaving bread crumbs and honouring your energetic doorway (knowing full well how many boundaries we need to have up at the moment these days), I’ll leave it here. 

I’ll leave it here by promising all of you that beyond the fullness of my life right now, I’m choosing to see and actively co-create our future rather than surrender to the mercy of a system that is crumbling with many cracks. 

And, if you could promise me one thing - promise me that you won’t shut down and choose what’s shiny and bright for the sake of our future over this next little while.

I’m so grateful for this life, for you and all the bounty - so let’s make sure to protect it together.

On another note, I would also love a dance party followed by a slumber party (sans these conversations), so let me know if you’re down.

Love all you mighty beings so, so much. 

xo Z 

PS. I have linked in this letter that some health professionals from the interior wrote to Bonnie Henry for some not so stealth bread crumbs.


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