The Nurtured Mother | Your Promise to Self

Did you know that the promises we make to ourselves are the most important one’s to keep? That the agreements we make with ourselves are one of the biggest predictors of our health and happiness? Whether it’s a passing thought, an undeniable desire, or a new years resolution, it’s so important that we honour our deeper calls, our own word, so that we prove to ourselves that we are worthy of our own love and attention.

So before you begin, I want to support you to strengthen your self-honouring muscle, so that you can more fully show up for yourself - nurture yourself.

I invite you to set aside some time to sit with what lies ahead for you in The Nurtured Mother.

To fully be here now, I encourage you to ask yourself what it is that you truly need and desire to feel more connected to yourself, engaged with life and aligned with what is true for you?

These needs and desires are at the heart of why you’re here. You, the mothers wellbeing, is the heart of why we’re all here.

It’s obvious that you want to be a “good” mother, and that you want the best for your children, so what else do you want? And how have you gone about fulfilling your own needs? How can you trust that by honouring your whole self, you’re in turn honouring those that you care most about?

It’s easy to long for something, but it’s often more difficult to know exactly what that longing is and what you need to do to meet it. Again, this is why you’re here now. To not only attend to the deeper calls from within, but to learn how to bring them to life without leaving your health and those that you love behind.

One of my mentors once said that “Necessity is the mother of invention.”, and I absolutely love this because it has the potential to be so true, so long as we stay strong in our bodies and prioritize our mental health.

The journey of motherhood, at our most biological level, was never meant to be done alone. So, so long as you brave any resistance you have to opening up to your truth and our community, it is here in The Nurtured Mother that you will revel in the self exploration and support of other like-hearted women and their stories.

If you hold onto anything in each moment, know that you were never meant to mother alone. Raising a family takes a village and that village is not here to just nurture the children - it’s here to support every being, so that the circle of life is more fulfilling, diverse and resilient.

My hope is that The Nurtured Mother brings more ease to your weeks, humanness to your experiences, resourcefulness for your challenges and more capacity in your physiology, so that you can exist in a more peaceful way where your inner and outer worlds are harmonized.

This home is here for you to take a couple sacred pauses each month (in a sustainable way), so that you can be held by other like-hearted mothers and the love in your own heart. Knowing that loving support is not a one time thing, you will always be reminded to pro-actively create spaciousness in your body, psyche and need for connection and community, in the full-on-ness of motherhood here in The Nurtured Mother.

From here on, please know you need mothering too. And that all of us do.

Now each time you arrive here - I invite you to come back to your Promise. To the original reason(s) that brought you here.

I encourage you to either write down your Promise on a piece of special paper and pin it to your wall, or craft your own quote in lipstick (or erasable marker) on your mirror so you can actively embody it’s mantra.

A couple of my Promises to mySelf since becoming a mother have been:

“Each day I promise to take at least 30 mins just for me - and this doesn’t include naps”.

“When I’m feeling tapped out, I will ask for more support right away”.

“Whenever I feel overwhelmed I will slow down, and then pause when I can, so that I can reflect on what’s most important and park the rest”.

“When the family dynamics feel trying and out of sync then it’s time to prioritize my own needs, so that we can anchor into the state of my wellbeing to regain our flow”.

“When I’m feeling isolated and alone it’s time to reach out instead of hide”.

“My dreams are just as alive as my children’s - I just need to be more patient, resourceful and creative”.

Here are some prompts to support you and strengthen your reach for more self nurturance and expansion.

Why are you here now, instead of anywhere else? Why have you chosen to prioritize yourself, this home through The Nurtured Mother?

Do you wish to feel more connected to yourself? Do you wish to honour your body more and revere it as the temple it is? Do you crave to hold yourself in more acceptance? To let go of pain, resentment and/or guilt? Are you craving to laugh and play more? To let go of constantly pleasing others before yourself?

If any of these questions resonant then how do you go about it?

How can you shift your way of being so that you’re more aware of your bodies calls - of what she’s trying to tell you, so that you can meet her capacity with reverence? Rather than the norm of pushing her voice down, how can you use her as a guide?

How do you stay awake enough to know that your dreams are not willing to die? That although your journey and timeline may look a lot different, you do not have to say goodbye to those visions that use to keep you up at night and make your heart rumble with stoke.

How can you free yourself from the limitations that society puts on you? That you put on you?

What would it take to completely align your values with your families way of life?

How can you embody your innate wholeness and continuously integrate a felt sense experience of arrival as you continue to unfold and learn more about yourself and this world? How can you shift your way of being so that just like your children, you too you can celebrate your miles and stones?

These questions are ongoing explorations that are not meant to be journeyed alone.

I’m here to hold space for all of your beauty and mess and remind you that we can’t have one without the other - the beauty and mess always co-exists.

Making a promise to yourself is the greatest agreement you’ll ever make - so treat it like so. Get clear, excavate intentions and continuously strengthen your why - the heart of it all.

I’m here - we’re all here to hold and guide you. Call on us when you need us, fall safely in here when it’s all too much and of course open your arms when you know that your giving of love to another mother is the medicine you need.

Here are some questions to keep your heart stirring. To tenderly hold you close to this home of nurturance and inside out liberation.

  • Ask yourself in the seat of reverence: How can I show up more fully for myself?

  • How can I carry my dreams with me and curate their essence in my everyday experience of motherhood?

  • How can I let go of control and trust in my capacity to co-create an experience of life that I may not even know is possible?

  • How do I want to feel when my eyes curtains lift in the morning?

  • How do I want my body to receive my bed at night?

  • How can I see beyond the struggle while honour these very real feelings inside of me?

Throughout this journey you’ll learn how to activate your desires and reignite your Knowing through a variety of practices, tools and self discovery teachings. Alongside your Self-exploration and activations, this home is here to help you stay grounded and clear and lighten your mental and emotional load - even just a little.

In the nurtured mother you’ll learn how to not only listen to the deeper calls from within but also how to trust in their brilliance without allowing your Ego or conditioned analytical mind to sway you from what’s true for you.

From this moment forward promise yourself that you’re here in preservation of self love and acceptance instead of the all-too common opposite of thinking you need to be any other way.

With joined hands and a newfound steadiness beneath our feet, let’s walk and wobble together through these anchoring pillars. I invite you to print these out and paste them on your mirror. Paint with them as you hold their intentions in your heart, or sing a tune with them - do whatever you can to fully embrace and embody them.

With so much love and excitement to share this space with you,


The Nurtured Mother’s Soil

  1. My wellbeing is at the centre of all my relations - to self and others.

  2. The Nurtured Mother is not here to add an ounce of stress. It’s here to give me permission. It’s here to help me trust that I am enough, that I belong and that I am worthy of this time and space.

  3. The centre of my life’s experience is held by the unconditional qualities of self love - so first and foremost, self love is my mission. Self love is my home. The rest is here to add more colour and take me on a ride that satiates desires that are only secondary to the experience of embodied wholeness and self love.

  4. There is no thing to change or fix. It is through the nurturance of my unfolding and expansion that my experience of myself and this life is re-born.

  5. I’m not here to overdo, to carry out any “shoulds”, or quiet any calling to rest. Resting is most important - resting the mind, resting the doing, resting the noise {but remember that your definition of rest may need to be redefined and you may need to build more awareness around the subtle nuances of your body talk).

  6. I’m here to stay awake and aware - to notice when I need more care and when I need more support.

  7. My only job here is to notice what is, commit to my personal promises and agreement, and consistently excavate the courage to ask for what I need.

  8. I’m here because I’m taking radical responsibility for mothering myself. My health and wellbeing lies in my own hands, my own genius.

  9. I’m here to honour and celebrate my womanhood - to heal the feminine wounding that I have been carrying, so that I can free myself from that which is no longer mine to hold or fulfill.

  10. I’m here to explore, discover and expand - not Know and fix.

  11. I’m willing to meet everything with grace over resistance